Breakfast granola bowl with berry compote

You will love this delicious recipie for a good start to the day!

you will need: 3/4 cup of oats, 1/4 cup of coconuts, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, a selection of chopped nuts, 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1 tsp honey, 1/4 cup water, greek yoghurt.

Toast your oats slightly in a pan, this will take a few minutes. Add the berries to a a small saucepan with the honey and stir on low heat until juices form. Put the water into the berries and keep it on the low heat, in the mean time add the nuts, nutmeg and coconut to the oats and stir until everything is toasted. Take everything off the stove! Put the yoghurt in a bowl and top with prepared items.

Best breakfast ever!

I love avocado on toast as much as anyone but this is next level! It’s the perfect breakfast for anyone and it’s healthy too!

First off, Bread you can choose any type you prefer, I like seeded bread. I would recommend toasting your bread because it is much easier to spread the avocado on and it over all adds to the taste. Next the avocados, try to get nicely ripened avocado, it should be a nice vibrant shade of green without any brown. Smashing the avocados is the way to go. Mixing in some lemon juice is optional but I would advise you to do it. Eggs have them any way you want, poached, scrambled, fried. To poach, like me follow these instructions. Boil a full kettle of water and pour into a large pot with about an index fingers depth. Put said pot on the stove and bring up to a boil. Crack an egg into a bowl or mug and retrieve any extra shell, or if you are confident enough skip this step and crack it straight in. Add in half a teaspoon of salt and and two tablespoons of vinegar. Use a plastic or metal spoon to quickly stir the liquid to create a pull of a whirlpool. Drop the egg into the centre of the whirlpool, the white should close up around the yolk leave it in the boiling water for a couple of minutes and with a spoon gently guide the escaping white around the yolk. Take it out of the water and blot it on paper towel and assemble with other ingredients. ENJOY!